Zechstein Magnesium Oil


Undiluted – Transdermal

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The Healing Body’s Magnesium is harvested right out of the Netherland’s Zechstein Sea beds. This form is technically known as Magnesium Chloride. Magnesium is a central building block for life on earth and is found everywhere in the human body as a critical component in cell vitality with over 300 enzyme systems and biochemical functions. Regulation of blood pressure, monitoring muscle and nerve function, and synthesizing proteins are just a few of the many physical processes that require magnesium. More than 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. Unfortunately, adequate levels of magnesium are no longer available in our food sources. This can be linked to GMOs and depleted minerals from our soil. The following list describes just a few of the symptoms linked to magnesium deficiency:

  • Headaches
  • Digestive Issues
  • Heart Palpitation
  • Restless Legs
  • Cramping
  • Foggy Brain
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Low Energy
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Fatigue

Of the many forms of magnesium available, magnesium chloride is the most natural form due to its molecular structure. It is easily absorbed through the skin into the body, providing greater cell saturation than that of any other form available. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) alone can never reach full cell saturation. Oral supplementation is not as effective as transdermal absorption. The bioavailability is diminished once it makes contact with stomach acids and digestive enzymes. Other complications may occur such as diarrhea and over long-term use, which slows down the peristaltic action of the digestive tract resulting in poor absorption of nutrients.

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Weight N/A
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32 fl oz, 64 fl oz