Perhaps no part of your body takes more abuse than your feet. It’s easy to take them for granted — until they begin to hurt. Foot ailments can be extremely painful and even debilitating. As compound pharmacists, we are able to assist podiatrists in treating the following foot problems:
- Plantar Warts
- Athlete’s Foot
- Nail Infection / Removal
- Anti-fungal Therapy
- Wound Care
- Molluscum Contagiosum (Water Warts)
- And More
Our compounding pharmacists can combine necessary medications with penetrating chemicals to enhance the convenience of application and ensure efficient delivery of essential healing elements to affected parts of the foot. This includes toenails affected by disease (onychomycosis), plantar surfaces (plantar warts), and internal nerve pathways (diabetic neuropathy).

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additional information
I've tried everything there is for my athlete's foot, can Fusion help me?
Yes, Fusion Specialty Pharmacy can create a customized anti-fungal cream or ointment for your athlete’s foot. Sometimes, over-the-counter treatments may not be potent enough to eliminate a persistent fungal infection. Simply contact us to start the process of connecting with your provider for a prescription.
I have a reoccurring wart; can Fusion Specialty Pharmacy’s wart cream get rid of it for good?
Because warts are caused by various strains of HPV, they can recur depending on your personal susceptibility and exposure.
However, Fusion Specialty Pharmacy’s customized wart cream can expedite the healing process and alleviate the pain sometimes associated with wart removal. We have successfully assisted patients in eliminating stubborn, recurring warts and have witnessed amazing results!
Previous treatments involving cryotherapy failed to resolve issue.
SUMMARY: A 15-year-old male with active Crohn’s disease receiving immunomodulatory therapy presents with recalcitrant common warts bilaterally of knee regions.