A burn scar is known as a contracture scar, and often occurs after a second or third degree burn. There is an overproduction of myofibroblastsor altered regulation of myofibroblast cell death. The surrounding skin begins to pull together and if not treated can result in movement restrictions of the skin or injured area. The skin thickens and tightens as it heals and is often discolored from the natural skin tone. Pain is often associated with burn scars not only during the healing process, but also long after a scar has formed.
Depending on the severity of the scar, treatments can include topical therapies, laser treatments, surgical revisions, cryosurgery therapies, and more.
When applied directly to the affected area(s), Fusion’s specialized formula will help treat inflammation, pain, and discoloration. Burn scars may be reduced and soften in appearance and texture.
Fusion Specialty Pharmacy’s customizable Scar Gel will require a prescription from your physician. Please contact us, we will gladly contact them on your behalf.
additional information
My burn scar is decades old, can Fusion Scar Gel help it?
Yes, Fusion Specialty Pharmacy can create a customized scar gel for any scar, including those that are healed and considered ‘old.’ In most cases, our Fusion Scar Gel may help to lighten and soften ‘old’ scars.
My burn is very sensitive to soaps and detergents, will using Fusion Scar Gel irritate it?
In most cases, our Fusion Scar Gel is non-irritating because we compound it specifically for you, omitting any irritating ingredients.
Additionally, we can formulate our compounds to be allergy-friendly. If you have allergies to certain foods, medications, or ingredients, please let us know.
Can I use Scar Gel on my baby?
YES! Scar Gel may be used on infants. We encourage you to view or even download our case study, found on this page, where we highlight the use of Fusion Scar Gel on an infant.
5-Month old infant was severely scalded on the face
SUMMARY: A 5-month-old infant was severely scalded with a liquid on the face resulting in a major second-degree burn. Following the incident, PracaSil-Plus was advised to be applied twice daily, in addition to a sterile bacitracin ointment. After eight days, there was a considerable progress of the infant’s facial burn, as shown in the figures below.